Easy way to control access to data - AWS manages keys
Fully integrated with IAM
Seamlessly integrated into EBS, S3, Redshift, RDS, SSM
KMS - Customer managed keys
Able to fully manage key policies
Able to audit usage using CloudTrail
Three types of CMK: AWS managed (free), User keys KMS ($1/mo), User keys ($1/mo)
Pay for API calls to KMS
Use KMS anytime you need to share information
User can never retrieve the CMK used to encypt the data and CMK can be rotated
Can only encrypt up to 4KB of data per call
If greater than 4KB use envelope encryption
Symmetric (AES-256)
Single key used to encrypt/decrypt
Necessary for envelope encryption
No access to the key unencrypted (must call KMS APIs to use)
Public (encrypt) and Private (decrypt) key pair
Used for encrypt/decrypt or sign/verify operations
Public key is downloadable
Use case: encryption outside of KMS by users who can’t access KMS API.
KMS Key Policies
Cannot control access without a key policy
Created if no other policy is specified
Complete access to the key to the root = entire account
Gives access to the IAM policies to the KMS key
Define users, roles that can access the KMS key
Define who can administer the key
Useful for cross-account access
Copying snapshots across accounts
Create snapshot encrypted with your own CMK
Attach a KMS key policy to authorize cross-account access
Share encrypted snapshot
In target, create a copy of the snapshot using a key in your account
Create volume from snapshot
Envelope encryption
KMS Encrypt API call has a limit of 4 KB
If we need larger use Envelope encryption
Using GenerateDataKey API
AWS SDK implements Envelop Encryption for us
SDK Features: Re-use data keys instead of creating new ones for each encryption, helps with reducing the no. of call to KMS with security trade-off and use LocalCryptoMaterialsCache(max age, max bytes, max no. messages)
KMS Symmetric Summary
Encrypt: encrypt up to 4KB of data through KMS
GenerateDataKey: generates a unique symmetric data key (DEK), returns a plaintext copy of the data key and a copy that is encrypted under the CMK you specify
GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext: Generate a DEK to use at some point (not immediately), DEK is encrypted under the CMK you specify and you must use Decrypt later.
Decrypt - Decrypt up to 4KB of data (including DEKs)
GenerateRandom - Return a random byte string
KMS Request Quotas
When you exceed a request quota, you will get a ThrottlingException
To respond use exponential backoff (backoff & retry)
For cryptographic operations, they share a quota
Includes requests made on your behalf
For GenerateDataKey consider using DEK caching from the Encryption SDK
Can request a Request Quota increase through API or AWS support.
SSM Parameter Store
Secure storage for configuration and secrets
Optional seamless encryption using KMS
Serverless, scalable, durable, easy SDK
Version tracking of configurations/secrets
Configuration management using path & IAM
Notifications with CloudWatch Events
Integration with CloudFormation
Parameter Policies (for advanced parameters)
Allow to assign a TTL to a parameter (expiration date) to force updating or deletion of sensitive data
Can assign multiple policies at a time
AWS Secrets Manager
Newer service, meant for storing secrets
Capability to force rotation of secrets every X days
Automate generation of secrets on rotation
Integration with RDS
Secrets encrypted using KMS
Mostly meant for RDS integration
Parameter Store vs Secrets Manager
Secrets Manager
Automatic rotation of secrets with AWS Lambda
Integration with RDS, Redshift, Document DB
KMS encryption is mandatory
Can integrate with CloudFormation
Parameter store
Simple API
No secret rotation
KMS encryption optional
Can integrate with CloudFormation
Can pull secrets from Secrets Manager using Parameter Store API