AWS - Encryption

February 19, 2022


  • Easy way to control access to data - AWS manages keys
  • Fully integrated with IAM
  • Seamlessly integrated into EBS, S3, Redshift, RDS, SSM

KMS - Customer managed keys

  • Able to fully manage key policies
  • Able to audit usage using CloudTrail
  • Three types of CMK: AWS managed (free), User keys KMS ($1/mo), User keys ($1/mo)
  • Pay for API calls to KMS
  • Use KMS anytime you need to share information
  • User can never retrieve the CMK used to encypt the data and CMK can be rotated
  • Can only encrypt up to 4KB of data per call
  • If greater than 4KB use envelope encryption

Symmetric (AES-256)

  • Single key used to encrypt/decrypt
  • Necessary for envelope encryption
  • No access to the key unencrypted (must call KMS APIs to use)


  • Public (encrypt) and Private (decrypt) key pair
  • Used for encrypt/decrypt or sign/verify operations
  • Public key is downloadable
  • Use case: encryption outside of KMS by users who can’t access KMS API.

KMS Key Policies

  • Cannot control access without a key policy


  • Created if no other policy is specified
  • Complete access to the key to the root = entire account
  • Gives access to the IAM policies to the KMS key


  • Define users, roles that can access the KMS key
  • Define who can administer the key
  • Useful for cross-account access

Copying snapshots across accounts

  1. Create snapshot encrypted with your own CMK
  2. Attach a KMS key policy to authorize cross-account access
  3. Share encrypted snapshot
  4. In target, create a copy of the snapshot using a key in your account
  5. Create volume from snapshot

Envelope encryption

  • KMS Encrypt API call has a limit of 4 KB
  • If we need larger use Envelope encryption
  • Using GenerateDataKey API
  • AWS SDK implements Envelop Encryption for us
  • SDK Features: Re-use data keys instead of creating new ones for each encryption, helps with reducing the no. of call to KMS with security trade-off and use LocalCryptoMaterialsCache(max age, max bytes, max no. messages)

KMS Symmetric Summary

  • Encrypt: encrypt up to 4KB of data through KMS
  • GenerateDataKey: generates a unique symmetric data key (DEK), returns a plaintext copy of the data key and a copy that is encrypted under the CMK you specify
  • GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext: Generate a DEK to use at some point (not immediately), DEK is encrypted under the CMK you specify and you must use Decrypt later.
  • Decrypt - Decrypt up to 4KB of data (including DEKs)
  • GenerateRandom - Return a random byte string

KMS Request Quotas

  • When you exceed a request quota, you will get a ThrottlingException
  • To respond use exponential backoff (backoff & retry)
  • For cryptographic operations, they share a quota
  • Includes requests made on your behalf
  • For GenerateDataKey consider using DEK caching from the Encryption SDK
  • Can request a Request Quota increase through API or AWS support.

SSM Parameter Store

  • Secure storage for configuration and secrets
  • Optional seamless encryption using KMS
  • Serverless, scalable, durable, easy SDK
  • Version tracking of configurations/secrets
  • Configuration management using path & IAM
  • Notifications with CloudWatch Events
  • Integration with CloudFormation

Parameter Policies (for advanced parameters)

  • Allow to assign a TTL to a parameter (expiration date) to force updating or deletion of sensitive data
  • Can assign multiple policies at a time

AWS Secrets Manager

  • Newer service, meant for storing secrets
  • Capability to force rotation of secrets every X days
  • Automate generation of secrets on rotation
  • Integration with RDS
  • Secrets encrypted using KMS
  • Mostly meant for RDS integration

Parameter Store vs Secrets Manager

Secrets Manager

  • Automatic rotation of secrets with AWS Lambda
  • Integration with RDS, Redshift, Document DB
  • KMS encryption is mandatory
  • Can integrate with CloudFormation

Parameter store

  • Simple API
  • No secret rotation
  • KMS encryption optional
  • Can integrate with CloudFormation
  • Can pull secrets from Secrets Manager using Parameter Store API

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