February 19, 2022

  • Event producer that sends messages to one SNS topic
  • Event recievers listen to the SNS topic and will get all the messages
  • Up to 10,000,000 subscriptions per topic
  • 100,000 topic limit
  • Subscribers can be: SQS, Lambda, HTTP/HTTPS, Emails, SMS, Mobile notifications
  • Many services can send messages to SNS for notifications: CloudWatch (for alarms), Auto-scaling groups, S3 (for bucket events), CloudFormation (when state changes)

SNS Security

  • In-flight encryption using HTTPS API
  • At-rest encryption using KMS keys
  • Client-side encryption if client wants to encrypt/decrypt
  • IAM policies to regulate access to the SNS API

SNS access policies

  • Useful for cross account access to SNS topics
  • Useful for allowing other services to write a topic


  • First-in-first-out
  • Similar to SQS FIFO
    • Ordering by MessageGroupID
    • Deduplication using a DeduplicationID or Content-based
  • Can only have SQS FIFO queues as subscribers
  • Limited throughput
  • Combine with fan-out for fan-out + ordering + deduplication

SNS - Message Filtering

  • JSON policy used to filter messages sent to SNS topic subscriptions
  • If a subscription does not have a filter it recieves every message from the topic

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