Event producer that sends messages to one SNS topic
Event recievers listen to the SNS topic and will get all the messages
Up to 10,000,000 subscriptions per topic
100,000 topic limit
Subscribers can be: SQS, Lambda, HTTP/HTTPS, Emails, SMS, Mobile notifications
Many services can send messages to SNS for notifications: CloudWatch (for alarms), Auto-scaling groups, S3 (for bucket events), CloudFormation (when state changes)
SNS Security
In-flight encryption using HTTPS API
At-rest encryption using KMS keys
Client-side encryption if client wants to encrypt/decrypt
IAM policies to regulate access to the SNS API
SNS access policies
Useful for cross account access to SNS topics
Useful for allowing other services to write a topic
Similar to SQS FIFO
Ordering by MessageGroupID
Deduplication using a DeduplicationID or Content-based
Can only have SQS FIFO queues as subscribers
Limited throughput
Combine with fan-out for fan-out + ordering + deduplication
SNS - Message Filtering
JSON policy used to filter messages sent to SNS topic subscriptions
If a subscription does not have a filter it recieves every message from the topic