February 19, 2022

  • Used to decouple applications
  • Unlimited throughput
  • Default retention, unlimited no. of messages in queue
  • Low latency (< 10ms on publish/recieve)
  • Limitation of 256 KB
  • Can have duplicate messages (at least once delivery)
  • Can have out of order messages (best effort ordering)

SQS Security


  • In flight using HTTPS API
  • At-rest encryption using KMS keys
  • Client-side encryption if client wants to perform encryption/decryption

Access controls

  • IAM policies to regulate access to SQS API

SQS Access Policies

  • Useful for cross-account access to SQS queues
  • Useful for allowing other services to write to queues

SQS - Message Visiblity timeout

  • After message is polled by a consumer, it becomes invisible to other consumers
  • By default, the timeout is 30 seconds
  • This means the message has 30 secs to be processed before it is visible again to the other consumers
  • If not processed in the window it will be processed twice
  • Consumer could call ChangeMessageVisibility API to get more time
  • If timeout too high, consumer creates and reprocessing takes time
  • If visibility too low, we may get duplicates

SQS - Dead Letter Queue

  • If the consumer fails to process message within the VisibiltyTimeout it goes back to the queue.
  • Can set a threshold of how many times a message can go back to the queue.
  • After the MaximumRecieves threshold is exceeded, the message goes into a DeadLetterQueue.
  • Useful to debug why a message failed to process
  • Ensure to process messages in DLQs before they expire, default retention period of 14 days

SQS - Delay Queue

  • Delay a message, so consumers don’t immediately see it up to 15 mins
  • Default is 0 seconds, so the messages are seen straight away
  • Can set a default at queue level
  • Can override default using DelaySeconds parameter

SQS - Long Polling

  • When consumers request messages from the queue they can ‘wait’ for messages to arrive if there are none in the queue
  • This is called Long Polling
  • Decreases the no. of API calls made to SQS while increasing efficiency and latency of you application
  • Wait time can be between 1-20 secs (20 sec preferred)
  • Long polling is preferred to short polling
  • Long polling can be enabled at the queue level or at API level using WaitTimeSeconds

SQS - Extended Client

  • Message size limit is 256KB, so to send large messages use SQS extended client (Java library)


  • CreateQueue(MessageRetentionPeriod)
  • DeleteQueue
  • PurgeQueue - Delete all messages in queue
  • SendMessage(DelaySeconds)
  • RetrieveMessage
  • DeleteMessage
  • MaxNumberOfMessages (default 1, max 10)
  • RecieveMessage
  • ChangeMessageVisibility

SQS - FIFO Queue

  • First-in-first-out
  • Limited throughput 300 msgs/s without batching (3000 msg/s with batching)
  • Exactly one send capability (by removing duplicates)
  • Messages processed in order by consumer

SQS FIFO - Deduplication

  • De-duplication interval is 5 mins

2 deduplication methods:

  • Content-based deduplication - will do a SHA-256 hash of the message body
  • Explicity provide a MessageDeduplicationID

SQS FIFO - Message Grouping

  • If you specify the same value is MessageGroupID in an SQS queue, you can only have one consumer and all the messages are in order
  • To get ordering at the level of a subset of messages, specify different values for MessageGroupID, messages that share a common MessageGroupID will be in order within the group. Each ID can have a different consumer, although ordering is not guaranteed within the group.

SQS & SNS Fan-out

  • Push to SNS, receive in all SQS queues that subscribe to the topic
  • Fully decoupled - no data loss
  • SQS allows for: data persistence, delayed processing and retries
  • Ability to add more SQS subscribers
  • Make sure your SQS access policy allows SNS to write
  • For the same combination of event type (eg. object create) and prefix (eg. images/) you can only have one S3 event rule
  • To send the same event to many SQS queues use fan-out

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