AWS - Step Functions

February 19, 2022

  • Model your workflows as state machines (one per workflow)
    • Order fulfillment, data processing
    • Web applications, any workflow
  • Written in JSON
  • Visualization of the workflow and the execution of the workflow, as well as history
  • Short workflow with SDK call, API Gateway, EventBridge (CloudWatch event)

Step Functions - Task states

  • Do some work in your state machine
  • Invoke one AWS service
    • Lambda function
    • Run AWS batch job
    • Run ECS task and wait for it
    • Insert item into DynamoDB
    • Publish message to SNS, SQS
    • Launch another step function workflow
  • Run on one activity
    • EC2, Amazon ECS, on-premises
    • Activities poll the step functions for work
    • Activities send results back to step functions

Step functions - States

  • Choice state: Test for a condition to send to a branch
  • Fail or succeed state - Stop execution with failure/success
  • Pass state - Simply pass its input to its putput or inject some fixed data without performing work
  • Wait state - Provide a delay for a certain amount of time or until a specified time/date
  • Parallel state - Begin parallel branches of execution

Step functions - Error handling

  • Any state can encounter runtime errors for various reasons:
    • State machine definition issues
    • Task failures
    • Transistent issues
  • Use Retry and Catch in the State Machines to handle the errors instead of inside the application code
  • Predefined error codes:
    • States.ALL - matches any error name
    • States.Timeout - Task ran longer than TimeoutSeconds or no. heartbeat recieved
    • States.TaskFailed - Execution failure
    • States.Permissons - insufficient priviledges to execute
  • State may report its own errors

Step function - Retry

  • Evaluated from top to bottom
  • ErrorEquals: match a specific kind of error
  • IntervalSeconds: initial delay before retrying
  • BackoffRate: multiple delay after each retry
  • MaxAttempts: default to 3, set to 0 for no retries
  • When max. attempts are reached, Catch kicks in

Step Functions - Catch

  • Evaluated from top to bottom
  • ErrorEquals: match specific kind of error
  • Next: State to send to
  • ResultPath: Path that determines what input is sent to the state specified in the Next field

Step Functions - Standard vs Express

  • Standard
    • 1 yr duration
    • Execution start rate: 2000/sec
    • State transition rate: 4000/sec
    • Pricing per state transition - Counted each time a step in your execution is completed (more expensive)
    • Executions can be listed and described with step function APIs and visually debugged through the console. Can also be debugged in CloudWatch Logs by enabling logging on your state machine
    • Exactly-once workflow execution
  • Express
    • 5 min. duration
    • Execution start rate: > 100000/sec
    • State transition: Nearly unlimited
    • Priced by the no. of execution you run, their duration and memory consumption
    • Execution can be inspected in CloudWatch Logs by enabling logging on your state machine
    • At-least-once workflow execution

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